Happy Friday! With Summer just a few days away, what better time is it to plan those trips you've been longing for or that vacation you've been saving for. Ever since I was a kid my parents instilled the importance of travelling and accumulating those experiences. It has shaped me into the woman I am today, I loveeee to travel and go on adventures. I'm super grateful for my job but occasionally a girl needs to get away and experience life outside of the 9-5 norm, you feel me? Having a passport at the toddler has certainly prepared me for many of my travelling experiences. My ultimate goal is to hit every continent by the age of 35, so far I've travelled to 3 out of the 7 continents; there is so much to see. I cannot wait to go on my trips I have lined up for the rest of the year. Anyway, I'm always being asked my travel tips and how I can afford to go on these trips so today your in for a special treat. I'm going to tell you a few secrets that will make planning your trip/vacation very easy. But, first I want to show you another look from my photo-shoot I did last weekend since it's very obvious that a travelling has been on my mind (how perfect is that?).
1. Save! Save! Save! (It's super important to save at least 3 months before a trip--especially if it's an international trip)
2. Do Your Research (Goggle and travel deal sites should be your bestfriend (bookmark it and get on their email list), find out all the important details about the location you plan on travelling to---Do they like Americans? lol. Do you need a visa? What season is the best for tourists, etc.)
3. Who are you travelling with? I find it easier to travel with 3-4 people max (everyone can fit in a taxi together; you can room together; making reservations for dinners/excursions are easy because someone has a partner, etc.)
4. Plan your excursions before arrival. (Do your research on the best things to do in that city and always read reviews)
5. Make a list of travel essentials. (Making a list and crossing things off is soooo necessary, if you forget things easily then this will make your life 10x easier. Writing things down or putting reminders in your phone to buy your travel essentials/etc. will reduce the time you spend on packing).
The "Right" Lodging. (I'm a super fan at staying in hotels that make me feel good, I like to look at the ratings and make sure the accommodations are appropriate. Again, it's important to read the latest reviews when staying at hotels in international locations...find out what people are saying about the noise level or cleanliness of the hotel. I do have friends who love sites like
airbnb...do what works for you and your budget).
Shopping. (I loveee to shop &
rent but I try to place myself on a limit because we all know when you get to your travel location you can also shop there. So, definitely shop looks for your trip but also leave space in your suitcase for snagging an item or two from destination. It's no better feeling than saying "Oh I got this from Paris", it's like your own special souvenir that no one else will have).
8. Packing. (The dreadful---lay out everything and organize everything before you leave. I have never met anyone who likes to pack, so to make this experience slightly enjoyable I suggest playing some music and sipping your favorite adult beverage to really get you in the mood. I'm horrible about packing in advance so making the travel essential list makes packing easier and faster).
9. Shhhhh...not everyone needs to know your going out the country for 2 weeks. (My parents always taught me to be humble when it comes to travelling and meek when telling people. Nowadays, social media breeds the announcements of when people are leaving and departing from every location (I'm super against people knowing my every location. You have to be very careful when revealing your Delta789 flight leaving from BWI airport and arriving at Heathrow Airport at 9am the next day information. Safety is so important, be very careful with that information).
10. Be A Tourist and A Native. (I'm a super fan of being a full blown tourist when I travel and a native at the same time lol. Explore the entire city and take time to indulge in the culture of the place you are in--that means, limited time on the phone and more soaking in the place you worked so hard to travel too. Eat the native food, appreciate the culture, learn the language (just a little) and make it an adventure. Travelling is a privilege, not everyone can do it so make sure you accumulating these experiences and taking time to realize how blessed you are to see a life outside of the one your living).
This post is super special to me because every summer my parents would take us on a family vacation---most of the time it was to Orlando, Florida where we stayed at our timeshare and spent a week going to all the theme parks and just soaking up the sunshine state. With all that has happened in Orlando this past week, my heart aches and I can't help to have a special connection there (#prayfororlando). As years have past, we still do our family trips to various places and my father always reminds us of the importance of travelling. He's a military vet and gave me the best gift I could as for as a kid, a passport! This weekend is Father's Day weekend so as I reflect on these precious travel memories, I have to say that I'm super grateful for a Dad that is always there for me and can truly say that he is the best man in life..I can't wait to celebrate him.
Me with Dad in Orlando, FL and then at my Master's graduation. Same pose and always with the camera in his hand. |
Happy Father's Day to all those amazing men out there, I see you and acknowledge your presence---you have no idea how much we appreciate you!
*bows out gracefully*