Hello people! I'm
super sorry for my lack of blogging, but after a few weeks to just re-focus on my focus and get my mind/body and soul together I'm back to my first love. Right after New Years I took my time (my sweet little time) to put together new additions to my
VISION BOOK. A lot of goals, aspirations, needs/wants have changed for me within the last year so I wanted my next two additions to my vision book to reflect that. Let me take you back 2012 when I discovered what a Vision Book actually was after becoming inspired by Celebrity Blogger,
Necole Bitche's story. I'm a person of reflection and always re-evaluating my life and how far I've come and how far I expect to go, I'm obsessive like that. I would come home from a day of work/running to an event and going on a dinner date afterwards, etc and actually go straight to my "nest" also known as my room for 5 minutes of quiet time. Those 5 minutes were apart of my reflecting period when came to thinking about my day before I could greet my parents, sisters, cousins or friends.
I even find myself at night spending about an hour before I go to bed dissecting every part of my day (the good, the bad and what I need to do to make tomorrow better). My favorite line when is
"Give me five minutes, then we can talk" after a long day especially after a very crazy commute because I like to take my time to reflect so creating a
VISION BOOK was right up my alley back in 2012 and still very much apart of my life now as I mentioned earlier. I draw a lot of my inspiration and motivation from adding more pages to a book of all of the things that I want to be associated with my life. So, I took my time to share this very intimate part of my life with you to tell you that
YOU too can look back in a book of all the magazine clip-outs and inspiring quotes that you put together years ago and actually make it your reality. Back in 2012 I wanted to graduate and although I wanted to graduate then, it didn't happen until 2013 I was still grateful that I put that into the universe and aspired to that. So without further delay, check out my new additions to my vision book...2014 is all about sewing the seeds to
What do you need to make a vision book/board? Paper, scissors, markers, glue, tons of magazines, stickers and if your like me glitter makes everything better (lol). I'm a night owl so I started my vision book at the wee hours of the morning, I recommend doing your vision book at the time you feel inspired/creative. My room is my comfort zone but feel free to go wherever you want and start cutting through those magazines.
As I began clipping out pictures and quotes from the million of magazines in my room, I took time to go through my previous pages in my vision book and discovered that there are still some things that I want and things that I no longer desire, Thank you God for GROWTH. 2014 is another chapter to my life where I can finally take a moment to re-discover my purpose as well where I want to be in my life. It's so important to truly take your time making a vision book because every picture/quote/word is a reflection of you. Like I've said before, I'm super obsessive about the things/people I want in my life so my vision book is exactly that....take a closer look below.
Each year I add TWO pages, but feel free to add more than two if you feel inspired to do so. This (above) is my vision book for 2014 and I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out and especially with the way it made me feel once I was done with it.
Let's start with page 1 in 2014 I aspire to have a man in my life that makes me feel an extraordinary love (maybe I've got that or maybe I still need that...)and of course keeps me laughing; fashion is always at the center of my core so Nicole Richie and Lupita N'Yong'o inspire me so much these days (class and sophistication); I hope to smile more than I frown and to always pop a bottle a champagne because every moment that I breathe is a celebration. I think my health has become such an important part of my life because I'm getting older so I hope and pray that I will be in good health, in addition I'm working on my Patti Labelle cooking skills so stay tuned, lol. Oh and I love some bling, good bags and of course shoes so I wouldn't mind having all those things in my life again this year.
Page 2 of my vision book, is what I like to call "HOME" it's all the things that live in my heart and spirit. Of course I'm completely engulfed in my family so I want to continue to make that apart of my everyday life; since I'm working on finding my next humble abode I'm all about "shameless money-saving" to have my own place I can call "home" too. I think friendship is so very important so I want 2014 to be a direct reflection of rebuilding and investing into meaningful relationships with people I love and care about. I'm not sure if the selfie's will stop in 2014 so I won't apologize for that anymore (lol) but I'll learn to take more moments to myself while still giving more than I receive (charity/volunteer) because that is what life is all about. So there you have it, my 2014 vision book is complete and I made a vow to myself that I will look at it twice a month so I make sure that I'm on the right path...sometimes you need to remind yourself of the things you aspire/inspire to be in life, so many times we get caught up in the day-to-day moments in life we forget who we are, what we want and most importantly our purpose. I'm choosing GROWTH this year as I'm re-learning to become a better sister, friend, cousin, daughter, confidant, lover and of course a better person that I was in 2013. I'm hoping this vision book inspires you to chase your dreams, love immensely, and explore!