Victoria Beckham is totally channeling my entire mood today. Happy Monday beautiful people! It's been a little while since I've posted a GIRL TALK write-up so here it goes. For the past several weeks I've had numerous conversations with mostly my girlfriends and a few guys friends about whether or not it's possible to have it all. By having it all, I mean the amazing husband-dotting father to your kids, the career that you've always imagined, the very active social life that keeps you youthful, the beautiful home that you always pictured and just the amazing trips across the world with the person you love and admire. I've pondered on this topic of the possibility of having it all and I've come to the conclusion that even though my "eternal optimist" of a brain tells me it's possible, I know it doesn't all happen at once. I think the most beautiful part about me turning 29 a few months ago is letting go of the idea of who "I'm supposed to be" or who "I'm supposed to date" or the time table of events that should be occurring right now. I'm in a very special place in my life where I'm making the right mistakes and learning from the journey that I'm on.
I'm a firm believer that God is the captain of the ship I'm on, he knows it ALL and knows what's best for me. If I would've got all those "Have it All" things I imagined for myself, would I be as appreciative or grateful for them? Would it make me happy? Did I really deserve this at this time? Did I work hard enough? Am I fulfilled? Does this feel right in my soul? Sometimes I get frustrated and ask myself why something isn't happening in my life then something happens randomly, when I say to myself, the time isn't right and I'm glad that God waited. I have this instinct that everything you put into the universe has a way of coming back to you and all of your ideas/wishes/dreams are already pre-destined. Sometimes what we ask for isn't what we need and sometimes there is something better lined up for us. I like to think of my 20s as the growing pains/wild rollercoaster that I am on because I feel like everything constantly changes, we are surprised by the adventures life takes us on and there is just a sense of fulfillment that makes it all worth it in the end.
The thought of having it ALL scares the living shit out of me, excuse my French but I'm glad I didn't get everything I wanted when I wanted it. Let me explain, I've planned everything in my life (at least in my mind) and I've done mostly everything by the books. I've made the good grades, I went to the right schools, maybe dated a few guys that weren't right for me but I loved very hard, I have the 9-5 post-college job that I wanted and the very active social life I desired. I live a great life and I'm extremely grateful for it but there is still a part of me that always yearned for the "Have it All" dream. I think I was always stuck on the idea/thought of happiness, who doesn't want a perfect life? In your 20s we are all so busy trying to figure it out we forget about living in the present and accepting that things aren't always what we imagined and that happiness is not just a mere destination it's a lifestyle. I had to do a attitude adjustment lately and stop being Negative Nancy (we all know a few Negative Nancy's and Pessimistic Peter's) about the direction my life was going. My sister recently told me that I have to start seeing a silver lining in everything in life, even the small things and it's totally made my outlook on the future that much better.
Once again, the idea of "Having it All" is much more than everything being perfect in your world and everything happening all at once, life doesn't work that way and I'm glad it doesn't. Could you imagine having all those things you wanted all at the same time? I'm soooo okay with waiting a little longer for certain aspects of my life to add up because I'm still mastering the juggling act of the current things happening right now. I'll always be the eternal optimist and learn to appreciate every moment/chance I'm given by being who I am and knowing that what's meant to be will be. No need to stress over life and the time table we've created so that our "planned life/schedules" align, let's continue to strive for the dreams we want but eliminate the pressures of perfection. Who want's that perfect love story anyway? Lol...
I hope this helps someone today and reassures you that "Having It All" is indeed possible with the notion that it can take sometime before it ALL happens. I wish everyone a great and productive week, I can't wait to share with you my summer series of "Outfit of the Day" pictures (above is a sneak peek from my photo-shoot last week), stay tuned!
*bows out gracefully*
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