Today I awake to a brand new day. Yesterday's outcome was a result of yesterday's thoughts, today I will create a brand new outcome with brand new thoughts.
I will meet stress with a calm inner resolve.
I will meet challenge with confidence and action.
I will meet frustrating people with understanding.
I will meet uncontrollable situations with surrender.
I walk with the faith that as I choose to be happy I will attract more things in my life to be happy about.
I am grateful for the small things today.
I have the opportunity to change my life today with the choices I make.
Today I put love first.
I will meet stress with a calm inner resolve.
I will meet challenge with confidence and action.
I will meet frustrating people with understanding.
I will meet uncontrollable situations with surrender.
I walk with the faith that as I choose to be happy I will attract more things in my life to be happy about.
I am grateful for the small things today.
I have the opportunity to change my life today with the choices I make.
Today I put love first.
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