"The latest rage in buying luxury goods at low prices has launched online. Oohilove auctions new and authentic designer label handbags and accessories. A Louis Vuitton bag valued at $800 recently sold for under $30. Here is how it works…it costs 99¢ to place a bid and prepaid packages come in 30, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800. Auctions start at $0 with no reserve. Each time you bid on an item,
a bid is deducted from your account,
the item auction price increases by 2 cents
and the auction timer increases by 10 seconds, if you are the last bidder when the auction timer reaches zero you have won. If you need to leave your computer, you can use their automated 'Bid Assistant'. "
**I haven't ordered/bid anything from this site, but as soon as I do I will be sure to let you know**
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