Tuesday, April 3, 2012

EVENT ALERT: Fashion Advocacy Day On The Hill!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Greater Washington Fashion Chamber of Commerce
Invites All Fashion Professionals and
Members of the Creative Community to Unite!
As small business owners, fashion professionals and members of the creative community, your presence is requested
Join us as we assemble on Capitol Hill for State of Style to advocate the issues and challenges we encounter as business owners. This is a unique opportunity for fashion professionals and members of the creative community across the Greater Washington Area and beyond, to meet face-to-face with their representatives to raise awareness on issues affecting their community.
Discussion will include: Made in the USA: Preserving jobs in textile/apparel manufacturing and restoring small businesses and entrepreneurship in fashion.
Check-in: 12:00 pm - 12:30 p.m.
Industry Panel Discussion/Luncheon: 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m.
Meetings with Members of Congress: 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Fashion Advocacy Day is open to the Public
For more information contact Jennifer Fisher: advovacy@gwfcc.org or Jennifer Fisher
For Press Inquires contact Jessica Hoy:Jessica@neuprofile.com
Get involved! Make a difference!
Fashion Advocacy Day..Things To Know

What is Advocacy Day?
An Advocacy Day is a day where a group of individuals convene on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to talk to their Member of Congress on issues related to the fashion and creative communities. This is a day event and entails an industry panel discussion and visits to each participants' representative.
Advocacy Day will show solidarity among the fashion professionals and creative community across the District of Columbia and a commitment to having our voice heard on Capitol Hill.
Can I participate in advocacy day? How can I get involved?
You should participate to:
§ Stay in touch with GWFCC to find out what's happening in Washington on all legislation and initiatives that affect the fashion professionals and the creative community.
§ Educate Members of Congress and their staff on what is going on in your district. Bring your personal story of how certain legislation, or lack thereof, has affected your business, organization or community.
§ Stay abreast of the issues in your organizations, community, district, and state that impact fashion related business.
§ Write to your Representative and visit their offices to advocate for changes and legislation as needed.
§ Use your voting power! During election cycles, support the candidates who stand for our industries and fashion businesses in our communities.

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