Derrick likes to describe his style as "Casual, crisp, and most of ALL tailored. I can take the most ordinary piece and make it look expensive, you've got to have the RIGHT tailor."
Derrick's overall look is unpredictable and very unique for our generation! You've got to LOVE a man who takes pride in the way he looks....
If you ask him about his style influences and icons he says, " I'm influenced when I mix old clothing with new clothing [vintage shopping]. When I watch 1950 or 1960s movies I feel inspired to mix it with my own style, especially in my generation."
According to Derrick he thinks of himself as the typical "Paul Newman meets Kanye West" kind of guy! What's NOT love about that?????
His iSTYLE iLIVE iDIE for quote is:
"LOOK Sharp + LIVE Smart"
......I love that quote! Smart is very SEXY! I hope all my Male Readers are taking notes *pen and paper*...
So what does STYLE & GRACE mean to Derrick?
"Confidence...without it the most expensive outfit is a lackluster! Confidence can turn a Hanes V-Neck shirt into a Red Carpet moment"
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