Thursday, September 25, 2014

TUMBLR THURSDAY: SchuntelXO's Top 10 of the Week!

Since I've been back to blogging, I've also been back to tumbling on SchuntelXO and I've drawn so much inspiration! Check out my Top 10 of the week below:
Kate Moss dripped in diamonds...yes I'll have what she's having!
That moment you realize your vacation is less than a week away *does shmoney dance*

Birds of a feather....

So adorable, made my ovaries jump!

I need a colored suit like this for Fall!
I just saw Idris Elba last week...I mean I went to the movies and saw No Good Deed lol. Why he so fine ya'll? #ManCrushEVERYDAY

One of my favorite runway shows this season! I'm obsessed with Black Barbie!

Feeling like YOLO these days!

Will & Jada. She carries the shoes, he carries her, security gets them through the crowd.
I WANT that!

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