Friday, July 20, 2012


Me & Wenny!

Happy Friday People! Totally excited for the weekend, especially since I'll be celebrating YET another birthday. My love, Wenny is turning 26 and I'm so excited to kick off the weekend with her. I look forward to good times this weekend and seeing familiar faces. Annnd if your wondering....I'm still loving instagram and all the cool pictures/quotes I find, so expect to see some pictures from my first photo challenge as well as what I've been up to next week! *Switching Gears* With all the celebrating you may do this weekend let's not forget to keep the families and victims of Colorado's theater shooting in our prayers, it could have happened anywhere. It saddens me to know that we can't even go to the movies without violence ensuing. Have a safe and fun weekend people :)

*bows out gracefully*

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