Do you ever get the feeling like everyday you have something to do after work that may require a change of outfit? Well this is my life almost everyday. I'am either running to an networking/fashion/music event; happy hour with friends, or even making fashionable errands. I'm NOT a bag lady so I prefer to wear clothes that go from DAY TO NIGHT! Its super easy to transition your clothes..with a quick hem there, tuck here and heel to go you are practically ready to go ANYWHERE!!

Next up is the "Ride or Die" pencil skirt, and when I say ride or die I truly mean it. The pencil skirt dates back decades and literally gives you more curves than any Halle Berry or Beyonce magazine cover. If you want to look professional yet sexy go grab yourself a pencil skirt to stay fresh and ready to mingle after work at a networking event. Then you have the blousy shirts that literally makes you wanna reconsider why you don't own one everyday. You can pair a blousy shirt with a pencil skirt, trousers and even work appropriate shorts. I'm a fan of a blousy shirt (vintage to be exact) because its not over-the-top but its fun to play around with.
The best way to keep your look professional is to invest in a tailored made blazer, so I highly recommend buying one in Tan/Khaki, White and Black. Blazers can be worn all four seasons, how awesome is that?? Wear your blazer in the office then take it off after work and reveal that hot body you've been in the gym getting right and getting it tight.

In my opinion wearing a blazer gives me the confidence, esteem, and understanding that business has to be done. There are ways to spice up your traditional blazer like brooches, vintage pins, embellishments around the shoulders or even rolling up the sleeves for a more relaxed look. I love brighter colors so play with different shades to pair up a funky blazer with your everyday black plants.

Sometimes I feel like HEELS can either make or break your outfit so I go with the eye-popping and easy to wear all day into the night kind of heels. Its crazy how much I love platform heels, they are comfortable and totally work professional. The classic gold, metallic, nude or black heel can pull together a look.
I recommend that you buy heels of quality since you will be wearing them at work and into the night. If your not a "I can wear a heel all day" kind of girl consider wearing ballerina flats to work and change into your glam heels in the car/metro ride to the event.

Last but certainly NOT least are the infamous work pants. When it comes to work pants I invest in the best of the best because your constantly mix-matching, reversing, flip-flopping and changing into the same pair of pants. Why LIE? I have a pair of black pants that iLIVE iSTYLE iDIE for and I wear them almost every week (Don't judge me!). To me its so easy to go wrong when you go right considering pants vary based on shape size.
I love a pair of straight, Boot-cut and Capri length work pants because it can be work after-work! Surprise Surprise! Be sure to invest in a great pair of everyday work/after work pants and mix it up with fun blousy tops, relaxed collared shirts and maybe even a belt to clean it up! And dare I say I have recently fell in love with work shorts because they super cute, chic and timeless. Shorts at work? YES, times are changing and so is fashion so make sure your up to date on trendy clothing.
The finger tip rule (put your hands along the side of you) still applies because after all you are at work (wear ballerina flats to take the attention off your legs). But as soon as you leave work throw on your glam heels and go to the roof top party or a girlfriends dinner!
There are so many ways you can go from Day to Night without becoming the bag lady (I was her ages ago so I know)! Here are a few additional tips:
1. Bring a small clutch so it can fit in your larger tote! This can help you transition from a day at work to a night of fun.
2. Don't forget to accessorize your look but do it "Oh so effortlessly"..keep the diamond studs on but spruce up your neck and arm with some BLING!
3. After a long day of work get refreshed and look "ALIVE" by applying your bronzer, blush or mascara and lip gloss to finish!

4. If you can't find a blazer that works perfectly for you then a light sweater, or cardigan will suffice. Add your own flavor to give it that WOW factor.
5. Bring hair supplies like Bobbi pins, hair clips , combs, brushes and etc. to pull back your hair or to keep it flowy....
6. Lastly don't forget your perfume! I'm a firm believer that every woman should wear perfume, my Mom is the QUEEN of smell goods so I always try to smell desirable ; )
images via www.shopbop.com
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